Myofascial Release

An Amazing Breakthrough in Pain Relief

Myofascial Release is a relatively new addition to the techniques of the physical therapist. Because it is somewhat different from traditional physical therapy, many people are unaware of what it is and how it works.

Myofascial Release (MFR) works on releasing the restrictions in the connective tissue called fascia. Fascia runs head to toe in a continuous sheath and surrounds every muscle, organ, nerve, cell, and blood vessel of our body. Restrictions can occur in the fascial system from trauma, surgery, poor posture and stress. When these restrictions occur, they can pull with forces of greater than 2000 pounds per square inch. Such tension acts like a “straight Jacket” and can lead to decreased range of motion, pain, headaches, poor posture and lack of mobility.

For many years, therapists have ignored the importance of the fascial system. This omission is now being recognized as the missing link to effective and lasting results in physical therapy.   The effects are profound throughout the body because the fascial system is ingrained in all of our bodily tissues.

When fascia scars and hardens in one area (following injury, inflammation, disease, surgery, etc.), it may create tension on adjacent pain-sensitive structures as well as on structures in far-away areas.  Often, medical professionals find that their clients have bizarre pain symptoms that appear to be unrelated to their original injury or to their primary complaint.  For, many, these symptoms can now often be understood as arising in the fascial system. Because this fascia of the body is all interconnected, a restriction in one region can theoretically put a “drag” on the fascia in any other direction.

During MFR treatments, a client may be treated in areas unrelated to their condition.  The physical therapist has a thorough understanding of the fascial system and will release the fascia in areas that she knows have a strong “drag” on the area of injury.  This is, therefore, a whole body approach to treatment.  A good example is the chronic low back pain patient: although the low back is primarily involved, the patient may also have a significant discomfort in the neck.  This is due to the gradual tightening of the muscles and especially of the fascia, as this tightness has crept its way up the back, eventually creating neck and head pain.  Experience shows that optimal resolution of the low back pain requires release of the fascia of both the head and neck; if the neck tightness is not also released it will continue to apply a “drag” in the downward direction until fascial restriction and pain has again returned to the low back.

Often remarkable improvement is noted immediately during or after a treatment.  Sometimes pain in new areas will be experienced.  There is sometimes a feeling of light-headedness or nausea, and at times a patient experiences a temporary emotional change.  Occasionally, a client may report a temporary increase in their discomfort followed by tremendous relief.  All of these are normal reactions of the body to the profound, but positive, changes that have occurred by releasing fascial restrictions. In general, acute cases will resolve with a few treatments.  The longer the problem has been present, generally the longer it will take to resolve the problem.

It is felt that release of tight tissue is accompanied by release of trapped metabolic waste products in the surrounding tissue and blood stream.  It is highly recommend that clients “flush their system” by drinking a lot of fluid during the course of their treatments, so that reactions like nausea and light-headedness will remain minimal.

Myofascial release can greatly help reduce headaches, neck and back pain, shoulder pain, pelvic and hip pain. Besides pain, MFR can help lengthen muscles to increase power. It is useful for restoring poor range of motion. Clients with poor posture can also gain amazing results from this technique. Lastly, MFR feels great and leaves a client with restored energy. It is a wonderful form of body work to receive instead of a traditional massage due to the lasting effects which are created. Many clients have regular Myofascial sessions to prevent dysfunctions. Others may come in for minor Tune-ups.